Website SEO Checker:
Analyzer & Audit Analysis Tool

Check and test your SEO with our free online website analysis tool. Get your site’s checkup and audit report now.

SEO Score Checker

Would you like to get an audit report to see where your SEO currently stands in Google’s eyes?

Get your free analysis and SEO checkup with our SEO Score Checker.  You’ll find out precisely what you’re doing right and what may need some work.

Simply type in your domain name, and our SEO analyzer will crawl and test the pages of your website and generate a score from 0 to 100 that indicates how well you’re optimized across Google’s algorithm.

The total score is based on a combination of five ranking factors, each of which also receives a score, so you can see the ins and outs of your site’s SEO strengths and weaknesses. The five factors scored in your free SEO audit will include:

Backlinks– To calculate your backlinks score, we measure three components: domain authority, external equity links, and homepage authority. We provide you with these detailed findings in order to accurately display which areas need improvement. Pay special attention to the backlinks score; it’s Google’s most impactful ranking factor.

Content– This score is generated based on the quality and depth of the content on your site. The name of the game here is original, useful content and lots of it. If you score low in this category, consider amping up your efforts by adding more quality content that’s helpful to users.

Optimization– Targeted keywords are not the only things that need to be optimized on your website. Our SEO checker will determine if you are adequately optimizing for keywords and that your page titles and meta descriptions are the correct length, important details that can have a negative impact if done improperly.

Technical– The score in this segment indicates whether or not your website is technically sound by checking for robots.txt file, sitemap.xml file, SSL certificate, and more.

UX– User experience is gaining more weight in search engine algorithms, so don’t overlook this last component of the SEO report that checks desktop load speed, mobile page load speed, and how mobile friendly your site is.

Check Out the Competition

Another great benefit of our SEO checker tool is that you can utilize it to see how the competition is faring. Enter the domains of your top competitors to see where they’re winning and how you can catch up.

Armed with the details of your free SEO score, you’ll know definitively where you stand, feel empowered to put time and energy into the necessary areas, and hopefully, get your website ranking higher. Please give us a shout and tell us what you think about our SEO score checker!